Now, about me… My move is about 90% done. No major injuries except for my pride, a year of sedentary office work has really taken a toll on the old Evil DM. My muscles feel like rubber, my calves and thighs ache so much I'm walking like Gabby Hayes. I can’t believe we packed away so much stuff in a two-bedroom apartment. The new house has tons of space (I even have a cool little work place for my action figure kit bashing). The only other thing I did besides the move this weekend was a ten-minute excursion to the Joe show here in Sac. I only stayed long enough to settle a couple of accounts, but I still managed to snag three Cy Girls and a couple of odds and ends. I came back to the office today to find a small mountain of paper work and a dozen phone calls to return, plus I found I have a test Friday night and a paper due on Saturday, AND we still have to move some more stuff out of the old place and clean it up.
Spock…Help me…Spock!
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