Friday, May 05, 2006

Get it Right

Just an FYI to everyone out there celebrating Cinco de Mayo- Cinco de Mayo is not Mexican Independence day (That’s September 16th). May 5th is the anniversary of the Battle of Puebla. Where a combined force of Mexican Cavalry, and militia defeated a much better equipped force of French Dragoons outside the town of Puebla in Mexico.
The battle did not decide the war; in fact the French reinforced and later occupied the country. However, the victory of the Mexican forces was crucial for the nations morale and served as an example of how determined patriots could defeat a more experienced and better-equipped force. In time the French were in fact driven from Mexico.


  1. I got into a debate with a co-worker of Mexican decent who claimed I was wrong when I said it wasn't Independance Day. I finally had to google it and she just quietly slinked away looking mighty embarrassed.

  2. Hell, that even sounds like a better reason to have a holiday. Arnold said it best in "Conan the Barbarian" when he was praying to Crom: "All that matters is that few stood against many." Wow, I never thought that bit of movie trivia would ever come in handy!

  3. Let me get this straight...the French lost a battle and so some people made a party?

    Geez, what soem folk won't do for an excuse to drink.
