Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Today over at the Chatty DM’s Blog he writes about the pressures of keeping up the Blog. Finding time to juggle family, career, the hobby and still come up with something worthy and topical to write about every day.

It’s funny, I’ve sort of been feeling the same way.

Now keep in mind I am no where near as prolific a writer as chatty is. I usually supply fluff and news bites where he actually writes articles. His site is often referenced and quoted in the community, where here at the Lair we are referenced mostly on Wednesday when everyone needs to ogle a nice set of hooters- and there ain’t nothing wrong with that. But it got me thinking if I get burned out on Blogging considering the light fare I provide, imagine what guys like Chatty and Jeff (from Jeff’s gameblog) go through.

My posting has been hit and miss lately mostly because of work but also because I’m trying to get a website up and running for my Evil DM Productions venture. The Broadsword expansion will be out by the end of the month and I want to have a little web presence to support it and other projects I’m working on. And truth be told, rather than Blogging, I should be using my time to work on Legends of Steel, Mission: Adventure!, and all the other "projects” I’d like to see come to fruition.

There are only so many free minutes in a day. Chatty wants to hone his skills as writer at a more professional level and I want to get these adventures and games out of my head and onto paper, and sometimes I can’t help but wonder if keeping up a Blog is doing us more harm than good. It siphons off time, puts undue pressure (real or perceived), and the return on the investment is small (mines at a little over $50.00 at the moment). On the plus side the Blog has rewarded me with some great connections and friends, It also gives me a forum to get my thoughts out, and interact with like minded folks. What to do, what to do?


  1. A lot of writers of the last century got started in journalism. They were able to hone their craft because they had to write every day for whatever newspaper was paying them a pittance.

    That's one of the reasons I try to keep up a good pace on the blog. And then when I do a project like my OD&D module, I've got the chops to put out something respectable.

    The question then becomes when do you stop writing man bites dog stories for the Daily Babbler because your own stuff keep you busy enough? Personally, I'm not sure I'll ever reach that point. One of the luxuries of blogging is that you can put out a bad post or take the day off, knowing you'll tackle the beast the next day. But to me it looks like you could be ready to move up into the big leagues. If that's what you want to do, I say grab the tiger by the tail. No one who truly appreciates your work will begrudge you moving on to bigger and better things.

  2. Hear hear on what Jeff R. said.

    Chase the dream man!

    Blogging can be incredibly rewarding and you have carved your own niche with the Pulp report and the Humpday hotties.

    But it's not a job and shouldn't take as much time and energy as one... at least not in our very meager niche...

    Thanks for musing on this!

  3. As a regular reader I just wanna thank you for keeping up on your blog..

    Great job jeffy!!!

  4. Meh, if you skip that nagging little "meaningful content" thing, blogging is easy.

  5. Anonymous4:14 AM

    I agree with Charles.
    I love reading your blog. You have a "comfy" writing style I dig, so I usually read stuff you write even if the entry is on a subject or game or genre I'm less than keen on.

    Plus, there's been more than a couple of times I've learned something or have been led to some great sites thanks to your blog. (Swordandsorcery.org springs to mind. By the way, thanks for that!) :)

  6. Anonymous8:32 AM

    I feel at home here, Evil my friend. I know that sometimes the whole "what to post" thing can be a chore, but you have always managed to put quality stuff out there every time you post.

    So if you don't post every day, it'll be okay. If you do, even better. ;)

    You've got other irons in the fire... focus on what you feel is important. I support that.

  7. Anonymous6:01 PM

    keep on keepin on - -this is the best rpg-related blog I've read. I keep coming back and I have the attention span of a flea on methamphetamines.

    There's always the cut-up method by William Burroughs. Should be good for inspiration, or at least laughs.

  8. Thanks guys. I'm staying the course.

    But I really have to put more time on the LoS stuff. i think having World of Broadsword out there will help give me incentive to work harder on the game designing stuff.

    Thanks again for the support guys.
