Thursday, March 09, 2006

LoS update

I received some feedback on a draft version of the game. The feelings were positive for the most part. It appears I need to clarify some of the combat procedures and make sure to give plenty of examples to illustrate the system. To that end I'm coming up with a group of Archetype heroes, which I will use as recurring characters to illustrate different examples of rules and their implantation. I’ve also been getting some suggestions on the layout of the cover for the game book. Things are shaping up and this project is becoming more and more tangible every week.


  1. Now that I think about it, why not use that raven-on-an-axe logo accompanying this post prominently on the cover? I think it has the right kind of feel to it. It's basically a choice between a very iconic sort of cover, like the Eberron campaign book, and something more traditional like a Sword & Sorcery movie poster.

    Just a thought!

  2. Personally, I think the axe and raven logo looks like something out of a horror movie.
