Last night while surfing I clicked on a link for ancestors.com and just for the hell of it I put in some information on myself. Three hours later I'm immersed in more data about my family than I ever knew. I verified a bunch of it through my mother and aunts. All true so far. I met a distant cousin there who has been researching for a couple of years now. I even helped straighten out a few dates for her. She lives less that 70 miles from me and I didnt even know it. So far most of the information I have found pertains to my mothers side of the family by the name of Mascarenas which it turns out is descended from Portugal. If what I have found out so far is true here is how it goes:
Gonzalo De Azevedo MASCAREÑAS is born around 1590 in Lisbon Portugal.
In his early 20' he ships off to New Spain (Mexico)
At age 28, Gonzalo meets a girl named Catalina De Quinones. On December 16th 1618 they marry in Mexico city, settle down and have five sons.
in 1693 Gonzalo's Grandson, Jose Bernardo Mascarenas is part of the first group of colonists to journey to New Mexico and settle.
In the late 1800's part of the family relocates to Higbee Colorado.
In the 1920's some relocate to La Junta Colorado.
In April of 1964 I am born in Denver Colorado, fulfilling a prophecy made centuries ago.
In June of 1964 we move to Sacramento.
Present day.
Now this is just one branch of my tree. I still have to look at my dads side.
So far these revelations blow the hell outta the popular belief that I was descended from Aztec kings. It's looking more like I'm the scion of European adventurers, I can live with that.
I wonder Why Gonzalo left Portugal?
Was he a third son with no inheritance to look forward to?
Was he swayed by the stories of streets paved with gold?
Did he compromise a noblemans daughter?
was he a thief on the run?
The romantic in me wants to believe it was something more exiting that plague or starvation.
gotta keep digging...
I'm going with.... Gonzalo's exposure of the Hapsburg's credit-default swap resulted in the collapse of the Iberian Union, and Gonzalo fleeing for his life across the Atlantic...
ReplyDeleteHey I just moved to Sacramento, is the gaming scene any good here?
ReplyDeleteWhat are those on the shield on the left? Arrows, hunting quarrels, tassels?
Very cool! Make a game out of your own ancestry!
ReplyDeleteAs a 3rd son of a nobleman, the only other thing he probably had to look forward to was joining the clergy. Given that choice, I'd choose Mexico every time.
ReplyDeleteYour ancestor could have been fleeing from the inquisition.
ReplyDeletePortugal was struck really hard by the inquisition
I have every confidence that your ancestor was on the lam after having done something roguish.
ReplyDeleteSo far these revelations blow the hell outta the popular belief that I was descended from Aztec kings.
Eh. Show a freer hand with the ol' obsidian knife & nobody'll say different!
K. Bailey:
ReplyDeleteWelcome to Sac!
If you enjoy the 3.5 or 4edition of D&D there is a meetup group that gets together @ a Denny's in Citrus Heights once a month. good place to network.
Great escape games on Howe avenue has a Huge game room. most of what I've seen played is Warhammer, Magic and some 3.5 and 4.0
Sorry i dont know any more but I'm a 2nd edition guy and we are a rare and lonely breed these days.
ReplyDeleteLack of prospects is probably the most likely reason for Gonzalo's move to the new world.
The inquisition could make a good story.
Olman: maybe I'll use him in a Solomon Kane adventure, huh?
Don't know if this is the case for your ancestor, but I know lots of the folks that left New Spain to settle New Mexico were Crypto-Jews, fleeing the inquisition (as mentioned above). I ran across this as part of my masters research on witchcraft and the inquisition in the old world.
ReplyDeletethe Inquisition angle is becoming more and more plausible as it turns out Mascarenas is Sephardi in origin.
ReplyDeleteI'm going from Mexican American Catholic to Portuguese American Jew overnight. What a rush.
Does this mean you'll be posting more photos of girls of the IDF?
ReplyDeleteHave you ever seen the Vincent Price movie "The Baron of Arizona", basedon a true story, IIRC? Maybe you own a state!