Thursday, July 29, 2010

A Conan for the new Millennium - What do you guys think?

What kind of conditioner do you think Conan uses? His hair doesn't seem to have a lot of "bounce".

 This is some really bad "green screen" work

 Not too bad here but his sword looks like he just took it out of the package. And he needs many more scars.

 Okay, this one is a bit more "Conanish"


  1. Anonymous9:40 AM

    I don't know it's hard to compete with the scene where Arnold is the last one pushing the wheel......Arnold just epitomized 'Conan'.......Now I gotta go watch it again then hit the gym dangit!

  2. I would like to give this movie a chance, but it's still not anything close to Robert E. Howard if the rumor mill is correct.

    They are rewriting the first movie, which was already steps removed from the source.

    Momoa might do well as *this* Conan - but the ridiculous size of that sword hilt already has me wondering...

  3. I think he looks relatively like what Howard had in mind for conan.

  4. I like the steely-eyed pic. Save for the lack of smoldering blue-gray eyes, that is "Conan" to me! After a number of huge "theatrical adaptations", I would take some minor imperfections if the film put some heart and care into it.

  5. Anonymous9:11 AM

    I am way more worried about the script and the overall tone of the film than I am about the lead actor - who looks reasonably like the Conan described in the stories except for the hair. This is going to make the original Conan film look positively faithful by comparison, I fear. (And I like that movie, but REH it is not.)
