Monday, February 19, 2007

Motivational Monday

Thanks to RPGNET.


  1. That's a fan-made Ship System Display. Dude has hundreds of ship sheets exactly like that on his website, with vessels for every sci-fi book, movie, or show he ever took a shining to.

    The fact that I immediately recognized the designer is kinda freaking me out right now.

  2. I hereby award you a +4 bonus to your Geek cred!

  3. Anonymous4:42 AM

    Back in the day, SFB players freaked me out. They all lettered in chess club, or were junior or better, master chess players.

    I would watch SFB games play in the LGS game room, where I worked my freshman and sophmore years in college, and just shake my head at the lunacy of the rules.

    Seeing this "demotivational" poster made me LOL. Thanks evilDM!
