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Friday, September 20, 2013
Once more into the breach!
I have assembled the bare bones of my Northlander 2nd edition AD&D Campaign.
The campaign will be on a fantasy world of my creation, heavily influenced by Celtic, Norse, and Finnish cultures. We will be playing on roll20 using Google+ Hangouts.
The campaign will start on October 4th at 5:00 PM PST. and hopefully continue on a weekly basis.
I'm looking for 6 players.
for more info check out this link:
Monday, September 16, 2013
I haven't had a good rant in a while sooo...
So I started using Roll20 to look for games and possibly
run one or two of my own.
I figured, here is a world where I can connect with other
players from all over and play the games that really interest me. I have a bi-weekly table top game with some
friends and my boys, but it’s Pathfinder. I’m by choice more of an old school
guy, and I have an itch for playing pulp era games that has never been satisfied.
I see a posting
for a game and I sign on, we play one great game and then…poof-(work, family,
school, etc.) raises its ugly head and the game ends.
So I take matters into my own hands and post
up an ad for a game. I get dozens of responses telling me how cool the premise
sounds and how they would love to play buuut…
It’s too early in the day.
Too late in the day.
They live in Iceland.
Wrong day of the week.
Wrong week in the month, etc. etc. etc.
!*&$#&*! Frustrating!!!
I have $150, 00.00 in gaming rulebooks & material and
no one to play with!
I did find a nice 2ed. AD&D game on roll20 last week. I hope it lasts.
Rant over.
By the way, this is the game I'm looking for-
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Because this is how I Geek!
I'm playing in an online 2nd edition AD&D game this weekend. It's set in the Forgotten Realms so I figured I'll resurrect a character from my old Living City days Mr. Wu, my bad-ass Fire Elementalist. But then I figured it's a new millennium so I should update things a bit.
So here is Mr. Wu's daughter Xiao-xing.
A buddy of mine did most of her accouterments. Check out her wands, and here is a close up of some of the potions she carries.
So here is Mr. Wu's daughter Xiao-xing.
A buddy of mine did most of her accouterments. Check out her wands, and here is a close up of some of the potions she carries.
Monday, September 09, 2013
New Tarzan, Pellucidar,and Carson of Venus strips...and More!
These are brand new weekly strips by subscription. The cost is only $1.99 a month. for that price you get access to all six of the current strips with more anticipated in the future. The strips feature stories and art by top-flight comics people like Roy Thomas (Conan & JSA) and Chuck Dixon (Batman & The Punisher).
I subscribed the other day and I'm loving it.
Go to:
Friday, August 09, 2013
Changes for the Evil DM
We are in a bit of a reorganizing phase at the Evil DM
Productions side of things.
Dicey Tales will no longer be published as a periodical.
With the advent of the new Barbarians of Lemuria Mythic Edition
being released, Dicey Tales will take this opportunity to use the new system
and be released as a complete game. The BoL Mythic rule set will power the Dicey
Tales roleplaying game. Dicey Tales will
retain all of the flavor and excitement that made it a fan favorite, but with more
Legends of Steel will also be seeing a make-over with a new BoL
Mythic rules edition. As a part of the Pulp genre, Legends of Steel will fall
under the “Dicey Tales” banner. The new edition of Legends of Steel will also
be fully re-worked to fall in line with the BoL Mythic engine, and will also
have new content.
The Lost World of Hador will be released as a supplement for
the Dicey Tales RPG.
More information will be forthcoming at the Dicey Tales web
site, the Dicey Tales Google plus Community and here at the Lair of the Evil
Sunday, August 04, 2013
Saturday, August 03, 2013
Tried Roll20 and loved it.
I’ve always been a gamer with eclectic tastes. Of course I love my Dungeons & Dragons (you never forget your first). But I also love Top Secret S/I: Agent 13, GURPS old West, Justice Inc., Birthright, Star Frontiers, Pacesetter's Chill and Time Master and yes, Spelljammer.
The problem for me is that I have never been able to find any groups that want to play in those worlds. When I started exploring the internet in the 90’s I discovered hundreds of people who shared my enthusiasm for these “other” games, the problem was they were spread out all over the United States and the world (who the hell knew Montreal was a gaming hot spot?).
So there we were. We knew of each other but that was it. Maybe a few play by Email games. But other than that, my immediate problem of no Pulp gamer's in my neighborhood was still there.
Then in 2009 came Google Wave. At the onset many of us were trying to figure out ways to game using Wave, but before you knew it we were waving goodbye to Wave.
In 2011 we were all introduced to Google+. Here again the Gamers rushed to figure out how to use this for gaming. Luckily a few talented guys out there figured it out. Now up until this time some people had been playing in various forms of Virtual Table Top (VTT) or Skype. I found a couple of VTT’s and I even bought one called Fantasy Grounds (I have yet to figure it out, much less use it). But the thing with many of them is that you had to pay for them and then have the players pay as well.
With Google+ folks figured out how to use the Hangouts feature. A couple of these groups combined and created a program called Roll20.
Roll20 has combined their program with Google+ Hangouts to create, in my opinion, the most user friendly VTT available.
I had a great time playing the Hollow Earth Expedition Pulp game on roll20. I had a couple of hiccups, but that was due to my connection rather than the application. Because I committed to play Hollow Earth first, I had to regretfully pass on a Star Frontiers game, an Al Qadim game, and a Pathfinder Society Scenario, all on Roll20.
Now my problem is how to fit all these games into a schedule. Hell, I might even find a group interested in playing the Tales from the Floating Vagabond Game.
Thursday, August 01, 2013
A New Hope Bundle
Rick Hershey is a member of our RPG community and has produced material for a number of games. His wife Tristan has been diagnosed with Crohn's Disease. Rick and his wife have four children, so you can imagine times get tough and bills pile up. There is currently an effort by Fat Goblin Games and RPGNow to help Rick and his family. They are offering a PDF bundle of games and accessories worth over $400.00 for a $25.00 donation to help out one of our own.
To help out please go to A New Hope Bundle.
Thanks folks!
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Hollow Earth Expeditions meets David Acosta (seven years in the making)
Seven years ago I posted that one of the games I really wanted to play was Hollow Earth Expeditions. Thanks to the Google+ Hollow Earth Expedition community and Roll20, I may finally have a chance to roll those funky Ubiquity dice and kill a Tyrannosaurus rex with my trusty Colt .45 (or maybe not).
Here is a couple of glamour shots of my Character David Acosta.
David was a Major in the Army He served in an Engineer Battalion in both the Philippines and Nicaragua, as well as Stateside. he resigned his commission (Though he's still a Reservist) and started working for the Government as a Civil Engineer.
He is extremely intelligent- possessing not only degrees in Engineering but also in History. He is especially fascinated with the Engineering marvels of Ancient Rome.
He is considered an expert in his field.
For more information on David, please refer to his semi-completed Character sheet below.
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
How I spent my summer vacation (My summer romance with Pathfinder)
I have three minions, one in College, one entering High School, and the third in Middle school.
Summer vacation usually means I have to find something for the two younger ones to do. Last year they tried their hands at water polo. I had forgotten how rigorous ans physical that damn game was, it's like aquatic rugby. (props to all you Water polo players out there).
This summer the boys demanded something less rigorous. I found that one of the local game stores was sponsoring Pathfinder Society (PFS) games.
PFS is everything the old AD&D Living City was and more. you create a Pathfinder character using their sanctioned character creation rules and then you play in modules tiered to your characters level. The modules are the same for most levels they are just tiered so that the fierceness of the opponents is somewhat in line with the abilities of the players to kick their asses. The rewards are tiered as well so that a player in a lower level tier may get a Mithral chain shirt, a character in a higher tier will get a Mithral chain shirt +1.
PFS games at this store are mostly held in the evenings. But there are also games held around noontime on Mondays and Tuesdays. I was afraid that it was going to be a hard sell to "She who must be obeyed", but it wasn't at all - the price was right (free) and I would be there with them (yer damn right i'd be there with them-Woo hoo!).
I convinced the boys to play regular fighters. One of my boys is playing a Dwarven Warrior with a penchant for axes. The other is playing a fighter specializing in archery. Nothing fancy, just a guy with an axe and a guy with a bow. Now that the two of them have a few levels and a ton of feats under their belts they are serious ass-kicking machines. The armored Dwarf is like a Sherman tank and the archer is a sniper with a .50 cal rifle.
We've been having so much fun that my oldest son has joined us during his summer break. He and I play a supporting role as a pair of Bards. Mine is a Keshite who's specialty is stand up comedy,using Yo' Momma jokes to belittle our foes and inspire our comrades. My oldest is a Vudrani who is a true Sitar Hero.
My boys are getting older and their varied interests are becoming apparent, so seeing them all at the same table,working together and having fun is priceless.
Best Summer ever.
Monday, July 22, 2013
Trying to love Pathfinder
The following was a Google+ post a few months back. It serves as a preface to tomorrows post:
A few months ago a good friend of mine suggested we get our kids together to game. He had been playing in a Pathfinder Society group at one of our game stores and wanted to run Pathfinder for us.
I was a little apprehensive since I tried Pathfinder several years ago and found that, at the time, it was too complicated for my boys. I suggested Castles and Crusades, but he had a Pathfinder campaign module all picked out and was itching to run it, so we went with Pathfinder. It turns out the boys enjoy it, I’m okay with it and I’m trying to like it more cause soon it will be my turn to run something.
I don’t mind saying Pathfinder is a bit overwhelming, with all its situational rules, conditional rules, advanced combat feats, stacking on feats and then traits and more. I think part of the problem is that my buddy and his daughter started in Society play where it seems players start grooming their characters at first level for eventual stardom at higher levels. They will take three levels of this and then switch classes to something else in order to get a certain advantage later down the line. Frankly without my Hero Lab program I would be totally lost.
I mentioned this to another friend and he laughed and pointed out that I ran AD&D Living City and GURPS games and there were plenty of rules and power gamers trying to break the game there as well. Point taken.
So I’m reading the Pathfinder rules, reading the world-book, and basically trying to fall in love or at least start to like the system. There is a lot to admire, especially the job they did with the world, they threw just about every sub-genre of fantasy in a blender and made it work smoothly.
It’s clear that in my corner of the world Pathfinder is the now and near future of gaming. I have tried to get AD&D, Castles & Crusades, and Dicey Tales games going online and in real life and find only one or two people even vaguely interested. But someone mentions playing Pathfinder and the crowd starts forming.
Sunday, July 21, 2013
Saturday, July 20, 2013
3D Virtual Tabletop for Ipad and Android
I run across a lot of crap while looking for useful apps for my Ipad. 3d Virtual Tabletop is one of the best gaming apps I've seen. I've used it myself and it works great!
Friday, July 19, 2013
Google +
I've made several efforts over the years to get involved in Facebook, but I could never really get into it. I'm not sure what it was but Facebook just didn't work for me. I did re-connect with a few friends from the past, which was cool, but all the poking and prodding that Facebook did to encourage you to post, answer "friends", play farm and Mafia games, and all sorts of other nonsense was a big turn-off.
By contrast Google+ pretty much leaves me alone. I've also noticed that G+ is becoming increasingly popular with my fellow gamer's. Gamer's and other nerdy types such as myself seem to have gravitated towards Google+, and with the recent addition to communities, interaction with folks who share you interests has become a wonderful addition to the various things G+ does. Below are the communities I currently belong to.
As you can see the majority of my interests on Google+are skewed towards gaming. So if anyone is trying to reach me on Facebook, chances are it wont happen. But if you stop by the Pulp gamer's international community, I'll be right there at the door to let you in.
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