Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The forum is working out nice


It was with some trepidation that I started a forum page on the Evil DM Production Website.  I say trepidation because at the moment I don't have a whole helluva lot to post about since I really don’t have any product to sell yet.

But I figured that EDMP needed a place of its own to discuss all things related to LoS, Hador and our other projects.  I have tried real hard to keep the “pimping” of LoS to a bare minimum on most boards. Now with my own forums I have a place to post and pimp away!

One especially cool thing that has arisen from all of this is a sub forum on the site that deals with adventure fiction in all its varied forms.  A few months ago I was talking with Howard Jones of Blackgate Magazine and we were discussing the need for a forum dedicated to not only Sword & Sorcery but also to the whole genre of heroic fiction in general. The two-fisted pulps of Louis L’Amour, the Historical epics of Harold Lamb, TV Shows like Time Tunnel and Rat patrol and so on.  I added such a place on to the EDMP Forums. It’s called Worlds of Adventure. It’s showing promise and I hope more people find their way to it. Even if you have no interest in gaming or Evil DM Productions, stop by and take a look you might find a discussion that interests you. A special thanks to loyal reader and “Friend of the Lair”  Dale A.  who helped me with all the technical stuff in setting it up. Dale has earned some free products and a bunch of swag from EDMP once I have some swag to pass out.


  1. You should put a link to the forums in this post!

  2. Anonymous6:17 PM

    You should definitely pimp LoS-SW on the Pinnacle forums. That's the first place folks for Savage Worlds stuff. Every other licensee does it and there's a whole section of the forum devoted to it.
