Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Lost World of Hador- cover draft

hadorsw colorcover draft02192009

Like I stated in an earlier post this week, despite the delay with Legends of Steel, work goes on with our other products.  Here is the cover draft of our next product- The Lost World of Hador. Hador is a far off moon of exotic beauty and danger.  I can’t tell you how please I am with the artist Joffery Suarez’s vision of Hador.  I’m equally excited about the cartography being done by Ryan Shelton, who has been able to organize all of the  peoples, places, and things floating in my head that make up Hador.


  1. Anonymous8:28 AM

    Looks sweet! That cover is really well done.

  2. You already know I'm a big fan of this; looking forward to seeing the finished product... and many more to come!

  3. that kind of creation is the most fun aspect of writing.
