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get it in writing blog. thats where this came from:
Top 20 Words You Use in Speech or Copywriting That Make You Look Stupid When You Misuse Them.
"Adverse" means unfavorable. "Averse" means reluctant.
"Accept" means to to receive with consent."Except" means With the exclusion of.
"To affect" means to influence, change or produce an effect "To effect" means to accomplish, complete, cause, make possible or carry out. If you're looking for a noun, you're probably looking for "effect." If you're using a verb, you're safest with "affect."
"To allude" means to speak of without mentioning. "To refer" means to speak of directly.
all right
not alright
An "allusion" is an indirect reference. An "illusion" is a false impression or image.
"Around" should refer to a physical proximity or surrounding (I'll look for you around the front of Baker Hall). "About" indicates an approximation (Let's have lunch about 11:30 a.m.).
Use "between" to show a relationship between two objects only.Use "among" when it's more than two.
"Complement" is something that supplements. "Compliment" is praise or the expression of courtesy.
"Farther" refers to physical distance. "Further" refers to an extension of time or degree.
"Historic" means important. "Historical" refers to any event in the past.
"Imply" means to suggest or indicate indirectly. To "infer" is to conclude or decide from something known or assumed.
"Insure" means to establish a contract for insurance of some type. "Ensure" means to guarantee.
General rule? Use "ensure."
The word is "regardless." "Irregardless"? No such word.
"Literally" means in an exact sense. "Figuratively" means in a comparative sense.
"lose" means to To fail to win, or misplace. "loose" means Not fastened, restrained, or contained.
To "peddle" is to sell. To "pedal" is to use pedals, as on a bicycle.
"Principal" as a noun is a chief person or thing; as an adjective, it means first in importance. "Principle" is a noun meaning a fundamental truth, doctrine or law; a guiding rule or code of conduct; a method of operation.
"Toward" is correct. "Towards" is not.
We rarely see the word "whom" in writing. But if your sentence has an objective clause referring to a person or animal with a proper name, you're being ungrammatical if you don't use whom.
The word "who" substitutes for subjective pronouns‹he, she or they; "whom" must be used in the sense of him, her or them. If you don't want to use "whom," restructure your sentence. Don't just stick in "who" when it is incorrect.
Do not use this suffix to coin words like "weatherwise."