Off and on for a few years I've played around with a piece of software known as Comic book creator. the software is good for guys like me who just kinda tinker around and post the occasional comic. When it comes to the guys who know what the hell they are doing It seems that the software lags in several areas. Here is one I did a few years back:

A version of their software is know apparently available online for free. The price is right so go check it out.

I tried Skype last night for the first time. I was really impressed. I had a good long conversation with a buddy and the quality was as good as a regular phone call When the calls are between Skype users they're free. since I have a few net friends in Australia, Denmark, and the U.K. I decided to give their world-wide unlimited service a try for $9.95 a month, I'll post on the quality of those calls once I make a few.

It looks like Raimi and Tapert (of Xena and Hercules fame) are back with another sword swinging TV series.
Legend of the Seeker is a new series based on the books by Terry Goodkind. Honestly, this is a series I see in the bookstores everywhere I go but I have never picked it up.
I know its wrong, but I do judge books by their covers and the covers didn't appeal to me at all. But now I guess I'll drop the $2.00 to get the first book and see what we have, for two reasons-
1) I like Raimi and Tapert's work and from the trailers it looks like they are having fun.
2) The author of the stories looks like he's on board with this project, which is always a good sign.
This looks Hella fun.
(By the way I'm from California, so I can use the term "Hella")

Swords & Wizardry is a revisit of real "Old School" gaming. And yes my friends, it's free.Taking the original Dungeons and Dragons rule set from the mid 70's the authors goal seems to be to try and re-kindle that feeling many of us had as we perused the game for the first time. You can pick up a PDF copy at Lulu.

GURPS Godzilla
When I first ran across this site I dismissed it. I'm not into fighting monster games. But as the author Jonathon Woodward states in his introduction:
"When most people consider "GURPS Godzilla", they picture playing a very flat, scorched character. I'll admit, that doesn't sound like much fun. However, in the course of nearly three dozen films starring Godzilla and his antagonists, Toho Studios has created an exciting universe, full of things to do that don't involve 300 foot monsters stepping on your character's head. This document is an attempt to explore that universe and suggest ideas to the imaginative GM."
The world of Godzilla, as created by Toho studios, is a complex and rich weird science campaign made to order. I can just see a group made up of tough "Adventuring Scientists" battling all kinds of enemies from Aliens to foreign dictators, as they unlock the secrets of these giant creatures.

Sit down and go over this stuff for a few minutes. If you cant dream up half a dozen pulp science scenarios as your reading through it, then you need a double dose of Geek Mojo.
Over at the Evil DM Productions Blog I posted some thoughts on how I want to proceed with Legends of Steel. I also threw up the art for the cover. Check it out!
Tuesday October 28, 2008 is a new group dedicated to out of print games that still have a following: Top Secret:SI, Chill, Tales from the Floating Vagabond, OD&D, Gangbusters,etc. they have forums, chatrooms, files to upload, contests, and more.
It's a brand new effort, just a few months old. I signed on a while back, but I havent really checked it out too thoroughly, until today. I think I may start hanging out there a bit. stop on by and get involved. I'll post more on it later as I get to look around some more over there.