Thursday, July 07, 2005

What the???

The other day on one of the many game/action figure boards I haunt someone brought up the subject of gaming in a “lost world” setting. I immediately informed the person of one of my favorite gaming supplements of that or any other adventure genre. “Lands of Mystery” by Aaron Allston. As I was writing about it I realized that it was published in 1985, 20 FRICKEN YEARS AGO! Where the hell did the time go? I cant believe I have character sheets older than most interns at medical school…

1 comment:

  1. Hey man,

    I thought I'd check more of your blog out...and a few weeks back I was going through my old gaming stuff and found my copy of "Lands Of Mystery"...

    What a great book!!!

    Super pure pulpy goodness!!!

    One of these days I am gonna convert it to Savage Worlds..and yeah it did come out in 1985 and it makes me feel very old too..
