Saturday, February 03, 2007

LoS Update

On Friday I sent several draft copies of Legends of Steel out to a few friends who agreed to look it over and give me their thoughts and opinions. Once I hear back from them I'll let you all know how it went.


  1. Anonymous2:08 AM

    Cool. Finished the first draft already.
    I look forward to the update.

    As a matter of pure curiosity, what's the page count as it stands now?

  2. What I sent out was a page count of 60. this included- character creation, skills, combat, adversaries and magic.
    "Legends of Steel" is intended to be kind of a "beer and pretzel" game, and as such the page count wont get too high. I'm working on a few more sections and a campaign world as well.

  3. Anonymous3:49 PM

    Well, hey, low page count is a good thing to me, so that's fine! :)

  4. Anonymous7:46 PM

    so far what i have read,
    sounds like an interesting game
