Following the elation of surviving by brush with death and idiocy (see October 2nd post), I soon had to start to deal with some new realities forced on me: My car was totaled. I had insurances to deal with, and just as everyone predicted I started having pains. My doctor diagnosed me with whiplash and I’ve been off work since the day of the accident.
I’m pretty much bed ridden. I can’t sit on a chair for more than 3 minutes without it becoming unbearable. Considering I have an office job where 95% of my day is spent sitting, this news is not good. The pain gets pretty bad and the medications just seem to dull it, not take it away, plus the meds make me rather “loopy” and forgetful. I haven’t had a decent nights sleep since I was hit. I know, Whine, whine, whine, bitch, bitch, bitch.
I have physical therapy coming up Thursday, my job is so far being empathetic to my situation and I now have an attorney on the case. I will try and keep the Blog up and running as best I can. But I have other things on my mind, and I don’t want this to turn into an “Oh woe is me Blog” those suck. So I’ll try to keep up within my limitations.
Thanks for all the thoughts and concern. If I missed getting back to anyone I’m sorry.
“Legends of Steel” is still going forward. I’m working with a couple of really good artists who I can actually afford, so I may not be doing much writing but the creative juices are still flowing. My thanks to all the folks who responded to my call for artists, my decision on who to go with was a tough one.
The Broadsword expansion is still going forward as planned I’m just not able to write as much or as fast.
And of course our Wednesday feature will continue without interruption.
Take care of yourself! It's good that your workplace is being sympathetic.
ReplyDeleteOuch. Hope you get better. My wife had two wrecks last year and went through something like that with her back, which she had previously had problems with.
ReplyDeleteI can't recommend Chinese acupressure massage and acupuncture enough if you haven't it in your area. (Make sure it's Chinese and not western acupressure. They're not the same thing.)
My friend who does this fixed my wife's severely herniated disc that the doctors all wanted to operate on. He then fixed her back two years later when the second car wreck wrenched that disc back out again.
A good acupressurist will also work on your entire body, soothing all the muscles and joints that may be stressed from the wreck. Any massage can help with this. Your body is a connected system and tightness in places like your lower back can contribute to neck pain.
Anyway, my 2 cents. I'm sure you're getting a lot of pennies thrown your way.
Good luck.
Geez, Jeff, I had no idea it was that bad. That really sucks, I hope it gets better. Does it not hurt as much if you're standing? You could set up your workstation in that configuration, a lot of guys at Dell used to do that.
ReplyDeleteI feel for you, bro, take care of yourself :-(
Man, I hope you get to feeling better soon. Back issues/whiplash can be torture.
ReplyDeleteKeep us posted, and best of luck with your projects (and taking care of yourself and getting better!).
Just get better, Jefe.
ReplyDeleteJust take care of yourself, man. Don't sweat the blog if it hurts too much to sit at a computer - we'll all still be here when you get back. Have to agree with David about Chinese acupuncture, but hopefully you'll get a really good physiotherapist. Take it easy!
ReplyDeleteGet better soon.
ReplyDeleteAll the best wishes from Germany.
(a lurker and avid reader of your blog)
Take the time to get well. Best of luck.
ReplyDeleteGet better man.
ReplyDeleteAnd sue!