My journey into Cyber space began almost ten years ago. One of the first groups I hooked up with online were a bunch of guys from a list called Action Heroes. The AH guys were into action figures, specifically the 12" GI Joe action figures. Through the group I was able to re-connect with my childhood love of GI Joe and other nostalgia. One of the projects we had was the "Traveling guy". One of the guys in the group volunteered a figure to make it's rounds with each member of the group. "TG" as he was known travelled from Washington state across the country and even to Europe and Australia. I happened to be living in Hawaii then so when TG made it to the islands I was responsible for showing him a good time. After his inspection of my GI Joe team,I took him to Waikiki, the Arizona Memorial, and of course to a luau beach party on the North shore. I even hooked him up with a local gal. Good times.
Here is the Hawaii team during the field evaluation.
After action report, TG gives a few tips and suggestions.
Back to the barracks for a night on the town.
Out front of the Royal Hawaiian Hotel in Waikiki.
Aahh Paradise!
Diamond head in the background.
At the Arizona Memorial.

TG and Lani "Island love.
Time for some island fun and suna at the beach. Colonel Teddy (in the background) has had bit too much to drink.

Colonel Teddy and Major Ike with some of the girls from the finance department.
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