You guys may remember my longtime friend Karl from the post I did a while back featuring his Band Warp11. Here's the link to the post with their video "She make it so". Well Warp 11 has a new CD coming out and I wanted to give you all a heads up. While our paths have diverged (He leads the premier Star Trek band in the world, and I am an internationally recognized RPG publisher)we still take the time to keep in touch and updated on our respective careers (that and I still owe him $40.00). So here is some info on Warp 11's CD release party.
*Begin Transmission*
Wow. With the new Star Trek movie and our new CD coming out next month we are busier than a naked Mr. Spock in my bathtub. I know you crewmen are busy too, so I'm going to keep this one short but meaty -- like Brian’s genitalia.
First things first…
Saturday, May 2, 2009
The Blue Lamp - 1400 Alhambra Blvd.
Sacramento, California
Ages 21+
Show starts at 9:30pm
Warp 11 releases their long awaited 5th CD, "I Don't Want to Go to Heaven as Long as They Have Vulcans in Hell"
Joining us are very special guests, Skeleton Voodoo Monkey. Why are they very special, you ask? Do you remember our old drummer, Chief Medical Officer Jeff Hewitt? Well this is his new band! He is the lead singer and guitarist. Trust me, you don't want to miss it!
And if you want to be one of the first on your starbase to own the new album, you can pre-order it at Amazon (at a discounted price!) here:
Second things second…
Promo Video
If you haven't watched our promo video yet you are missing some prime grade-A eroticism. We're trying to get it out there as much as possible to raise awareness of the band so please send the link to your friends or post it on any blog sites you frequent. Oh and if anyone has J.J. Abrams' e-mail….
Here's the link:
Third things third…
Captain Karl is a Twit.
Yeah, being the trend setter I am I opened what’s called a “Twitter" account to let people know what it is like to live the high profile life of a Star Trek rock star. You probably haven't heard of Twitter, but if you manage to figure it out just search for Warp 11 and you can follow the blow-by-blow action as I do things like make my army of Star Trek figures molest and degrade Princess Leia. Like I said before, you don't want to miss it!
Finally, like I said at the beginning of this e-mail, we're going to be very busy the next couple of months. We are doing a nationwide morning radio blitz, appearing on several television shows and a couple of print and web magazines, and playing multiple shows including the Concert in the Park in Sacramento. To find out when and where just check out our website here
and here
Sorry, this e-mail actually turned out kinda long -- like my genitalia.
OK, the water's getting cold. I gotta go.
Karl V. Miller
Warp 11
*End Transmission*
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