Friday, January 14, 2011

Comic news: Ruse is back, Skaar is back, and Dejah gets her own book

Ruse was one of my favorite CrossGen titles. It looks like Marvel is bringing several CrossGen titles back from the dead, and Ruse is among them. See here

Skaar, son of the Hulk seems to have landed in the Savage Land - Comic idea fodder for you Lost World lovers. See here

Ever wonder what Dejah Thoris was up to before John Carter came to town? Dynamite is expanding on their  hit Warlord of Mars, with a 4 issue prequel starring our favorite Barsoomian princess. See here


  1. Anonymous10:32 AM


  2. May have to check out that Dejah Thoris series.

  3. The Return of the Crossgen titles isn't suprising since Disney bought them up cheap a while ago

  4. I have read the first two graphic collections of RUSE, it was good stuff.
